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Ohaus Dry Block Heaters Top 5 Questions to Ask


1. Do you need to incubate small samples like microtubes, microplates, test tubes, or vials?

      OHAUS Dry Block Heaters are an economical option to an incubator with little chance for sample contamination brought on by water baths. 

      2. Are you looking for a specific temperature range?

      OHAUS has models that can heat up to 150°C.

      3. How important is reproducibility of your settings?

      If it is important, you should recommend a digital block heater as opposed to an analog. Analog settings are not exact, digital settings are

      4. Do you need to calibrate your heater to a traceable temperature device? 

      OHAUS models can be calibrated to an external temperature device such as a thermometer, probe, or thermocouple 

      5. Is the formation of condensation on your sample lids, caps, and covers causing a problem with your assays?

      If it is, recommend the Block Heater with the Heated Lid.

      Do More With OHAUS.


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